Imagine running your business in a way where you can be yourself and let your ADHD run wild. In this online class, you'll learn about even more common business practices that don't work well for our ADHD brains (and why) ... and what to try instead!

Hosted by ADHD Coach Taryn Dickey

  • When: Access to the free online class begins on Monday, December 30th, and runs through Tuesday, February 4th
  • Topics covered as they relate to ADHD + Business:
    • Visibility 
      Show up every day! Be professional! Follow the formula! Sound familiar? Yeah, that’s a one-way ticket to burnout and masking. ADHDers shine brightest when they lean into their real voice. We’re going to ditch the neurotypical “rules” and find YOUR visibility flow, where showing up feels playful, low-pressure, and 100% you.
    • Investing
      ADHDers have been taught to fear their spending habits or that investing is only for people who are really serious about their business. Wanna know what I think? Your ADHD brain is capable of smart, strategic investing, especially when you learn how to work with your natural decision-making strengths. Enter: The Approval Buddy and the ADHD-Friendly Checklist, tools that make investing feel simple, aligned, and sustainable.
    • Sleep
      Productivity culture says: “Rest when the work is done.” ADHD says: “The work is never done, so I guess I’ll just keep pushing and spiral into burnout!” Yeah, we don’t do that here. We’ll reframe rest as a necessary part of your success cycle, whether it’s resting after a launch, between sprints, or giving yourself permission to sleep (without shame & guilt). Rest isn’t stopping - it’s recharging for what’s next.
  • Register now: All you have to do is sign up with your first name and email address and I'll send you the link when access begins! 

Register for the Class Here


Join the Free Masterclass 

Yes, there will be a replay if you can't join live! 

We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.

Informed consent:
  1. By signing up for this free this class, you are giving the presenter of the class, Taryn Dickey, permission to send you emails. Unsubscribe at any time.

  2. This free class is Part 2 and though it is not a prerequisite, “Finding Your Flow Part 1”, is currently available for purchase and costs $27. You are welcome to enjoy Part 2 for free and not purchase the paid Part 1 class, but I will let you know about the option.


From a young age, I learned that I could use my artistic talent to express myself in new and exciting ways. I can’t wait to help you uncover your inner creative.

Everyone has an artist inside. Some of us just need a little more help bringing that inner artist to life. Once you discover that side of yourself, you are free to be unapologetically you.

I believe my paintings make the world a better place and shape the people who experience them in beautiful ways. Through online education, I can help you make your own impact on the world around you.

Whether you’ve never picked up a paintbrush before, or you are just looking to learn a new technique, I look forward to taking this creative journey together.



Just starting your creative journey? The right space can make all the difference. Use this free guide to design the perfect art studio.


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You don't need to watch it before part 2 (it's not a prerequisite), but you can grab it if you'd like.