ADHD Coach Taryn Dickey presents

This 8-week program is designed for ADHD entrepreneurs who are ready to begin their journey through burnout recovery, rediscover their entrepreneurial spark, and create a sustainable, joyful path forward. 


For anyone who was taken the fuck out after having quite a bit of success, lost their mojo, and dove head first into burnout, this program is for you … so you can rebuild your confidence, embrace the flow of your ADHD brain, and reignite your dreams.

So you can go from ... 

  • Needing multiple cups of coffee (that need to be reheated often) just to get through the day no matter how much sleep you got the night before … to feeling genuinely rested after a good night’s sleep, with enough energy to run your business, enjoy time with family & friends, and even pursue a new hobby like pottery or hiking. 
  • Second guessing every. single. decision, convincing yourself you’re not capable as you once believed, and feeling like a fraud in your business … to trusting your instincts and taking bold steps in your business, like pitching your dream client or launching that new program, knowing, in your bones, you have the skills to see it all through.
  • Being unable to muster the energy for anything and being couch-locked most days … to waking up excited to tackle the day, eager to work on that new launch or engage with your clients & community, because your work is in alignment with your passions. 
  • Freezing at the thought of where to begin with your To Do, which feels like an insurmountable miles-high climb … to your list feeling manageable, knocking it out one checkmark at a time, without overwhelm - and when surprises come up, you can adapt easily. 
  • Resenting your clients for their demands, your family for needing attention, and yourself for letting it all fall apart … to feeling a deep sense of gratitude for your clients, loved ones, and even your past challenges because they have shaped your journey.

Walk with me, talk with me ...

Imagine fully believing in yourself and what you have to share with this world so that you’re never at a loss for what to say to your audience. 

Imagine intentionally resting (without any shame or guilt) after an intentional visibility sprint, knowing that rest is a strategic part of a sustainable, long-term business. 

Imagine flowing with the energy of your brain, allowing for the ebbs and flows of your creativity and the spirit of your business, showing up as your human self (and not just another brand). 

Imagine having a recovery plan designed specifically for YOU, so you can recognize when burnout may be on the horizon and shift gears to remain grounded in what matters most for you in your life and your business.

The ADHD Burnout Cycle

If ADHD has been undiagnosed, or if you weren’t provided with supports and resources after diagnosis, you’ve probably moved through this cycle many a time in your life: 

  • Feeling super excited and energized 
  • Tripping up a bit trying to manage symptoms 
  • Experiencing overwhelm and stress
  • Dealing with it all by using coping mechanisms that are unhealthy or unhelpful 
  • Feeling stuck, “shoulding” all over yourself, and feeling like shit because of the guilt and shame 
  • (Annnnnd repeat) 

Reignite is designed to change this cycle, so you're no longer stuck in the never ending loop. 


Ok, yes, I need this!

Burnout + ADHD kind of go hand-in-hand, unfortunately, for a bunch of reasons. Here are just a few:

Limited support and resources (many of which are outside of our control due to access or like the medication shortage)

The executive functioning skills needed to complete a task or a project aren’t there just yet, and instead of having compassion for yourself, you expect that you should be able to do it anyway

The pressure you place on yourself to be productive is unrealistic, but you haven’t realized that the mental capacity and load your brain has is different than neurotypical humans, so you keep trying to do it in a way that goes against your brain, instead of working with it.

You picking up what I'm putting down here?

I'm ready for burnout support & resources!

Here is what you'll learn and what we are going to cover together ...

Important: You are joining during the PRESALE PERIOD! 😎 You'll be given access to the first module starting on February 5th, and the remaining modules and content will be released over the coming weeks as we move through the program. (Part of the reason you're getting it at 50% off 😘)

Module 1: ADHDer as Learner

Goal: Understand your unique learning style and strengths to maximize success in this program

Key topics:

  1. Why ADHD brains learn differently
  2. Connection between executive function & learning
  3. Strategies to reduce overwhelm and foster focus

Activities include ways to:

  • Discover your ADHD learning style
  • Define your intentions for the program
  • Implement a micro-strategy to manage focus

Module 2: Stop Forcing

Goal: Recognize and release habits of overexertion that contribute to burnout

Key topics:

  1. The dangers of "pushing through"
  2. Identifying and interrupting perfectionist patterns
  3. Embracing sustainable effort and progress

Activities include ways to:

  • Pinpoint where you force yourself to hustle 
  • Complete a task with a new mindset
  • Reflect on your ability to rest

Module 3: Do Something Else

Goal: Explore the healing power of play, creativity, and fun unrelated to work

Key topics:

  1. How play restores energy and reduces stress
  2. Rediscovering hobbies for pure enjoyment
  3. Building a ritual of regular "unproductive" time

Activities include:

  • Play exploration exercise
  • Creative journaling
  • Community sharing

Module 4: Love Yourself

Goal: Cultivate self-compassion and rebuild self-confidence through and after burnout

Key topics:

  1. The role of self-talk in burnout recovery
  2. Developing empowering new beliefs
  3. Celebrating progress and small wins

Activities include:

  • Baby You Exercise
  • Coloring tracker (for funsies!)
  • Mirror exercise

Module 5: Start Fresh

Goal: Define and pursue a sustainable, exciting path forward in your business or life

Key topics:

  1. Assessing what to keep, change, or let go
  2. Clarifying priorities and values
  3. Creating an actionable plan for a fresh start

Activities include:

  • Visioning exercise
  • Pillar assessment
  • Action plan creation

Module 6: Wrap It Up 

Goal: Celebrate progress, solidify learning, and create a personal toolkit for ongoing flow

Key topics:

  1. Reflecting on your growth journey
  2. Building a burnout prevention toolkit
  3. Setting intentions for the future

Activities include:

  • Community celebration
  • Reflection
  • Building your burnout Toolkit

This program is for you if ...

  • You’ve been moving through the ADHD Burnout Cycle for way too long and you’re ready to break free. 
  • You’re sick of doing things like the neurotypicals do and ready to acknowledge that your brain works differently. 
  • You deeply want to rest and stop being in productive mode all the time, but you've been doing it this way for so long and don’t know how else to operate - but you are open to another way. 
  • You’ve been struggling with confidence in yourself and it’s impacting how you show up, but you’re ready to get your mojo back and find the belief you had in yourself once again. 
  • You are absolutely ready to let go of everything that is no longer working for you and start with a fresh perspective on your business, and just need someone or something to help you see things differently.

This program is not for you if ...

  • You think running a business as an ADHD human is impossible and you've just accepted this is the way it is.
  • You are in a deep place of struggle and need greater supports and resources than what this program can provide.
  • You are looking for an exact blueprint, social media strategy, and done-for-you plan to run your business (that’s not what this is).
  • You are a yeah-but-er, an exception to everything that is presented to you, and being contrarian is your whole personality (sorry love, that’s not gonna fly in this space!)
  • If “This won’t work for me, though.” is a go-to sentence, this is not the program for you.
  • You think that your problem is you just need to work harder, put forth even more effort, and stop procrastinating, then you’ll finally have success!

Here's what's included:


Each module includes bite-sized instructional content, engaging activities, and actionable strategies tailored to ADHD learners. 

Weekly Community Calls

Each week we will gather in community to discuss the module content, any celebrations/updates, ask questions, and connect, as you move through the program. Calls will be held on Wednesdays at 11:15am Eastern and will be recorded for playback. 

Course Access:

You'll have access to the modules for the lifetime of the course, as long as I continue to run Reignite, including any future updates and bonus content

Plus these exclusive bonuses 😎

ADHD Resource ToolKit 

A curated set of strategies and tools designed specifically for ADHD brains to help you work with your natural rhythms and unlock flow without forcing. You’ll stop wasting time trying to fit into neurotypical systems that just don’t work for you. Instead, you’ll discover what does work, whether it’s tackling tasks in bursts of hyperfocus or embracing the magic of low-pressure routines. 

Restart RoadMap 

A downloadable guide to help you map out your next chapter, whether it’s reigniting your current business or starting something brand new. This isn’t a cookie-cutter business plan. It’s a creative, ADHD-friendly approach to building a business that feels aligned and sustainable, on your terms. Say goodbye to overwhelm and hello to clarity and confidence.

Self-Love Affirmation Library 

A collection of affirmations tailored for ADHD entrepreneurs to shift your inner dialogue from “I’m not enough” to “I’m unstoppable.” It’s like having your own personal hype squad, helping you rewrite the story in your head and start showing yourself the love you’ve been craving. Bonus? You can read, record, repeat, or journal with them anytime. 

You'll walk away with ...

A deeper connection to the real you:

You’ll understand your unique way of existing, so you can stop forcing yourself into boxes that don’t fit and start embracing your way of being. 

Renewed confidence in your skills & abilities:

You’ll let go of the self-doubt and inner criticism that’s been keeping you stuck, replacing it with a grounded belief in your own awesomeness. 

A toolkit for finding joy beyond work:

Whether it’s painting, hiking, dancing, or just savoring a quiet moment, you’ll rediscover what lights you up outside of business, and how to protect that space. 

A fresh, aligned approach to your business:

You’ll have clarity on your next steps, whether that means reigniting your current business, starting something new, or pivoting to a path that feels more sustainable and fulfilling. 

The confidence to set boundaries and honor your energy:

You’ll leave behind the hustle culture mindset and step into a life and business that works for you without burning yourself out again. 

The support of a compassionate community:

You’ll forge connections with a group of incredible ADHDers who get it and who will be cheering you on every step of the way as you reignite your spark.


I want to learn how to prevent the burnout cycle!

Hi, I'm your guide, Taryn.

I want to help you feel so fucking confident to put yourself out there, share your gifts with the world, while also not having to sell your soul or pretend to be neurotypical. 

I want to help you take the mask off so you can just be YOU. I know you feel like you’ve never fit in and I know you are forever trying to figure out why you can’t just do what the “experts” expect you to and I know you’re afraid to fail. How do I know this? Because this was me. And it’s so many of my clients who I work with. 

And my clients are amazing. They are super easy to work with because they are passionate about helping others, wear their hearts on their sleeves, don't have a bull-shitting bone in their bodies, are genuine, compassionate, and just have good energy you know? They have done lots of healing work, are silly and love to laugh, they love their family, they have an entrepreneurial spirit, and they give a shit. 

I'm a former school counselor with a masters in counseling and have been coaching entrepreneurs for over 10 years who, you guessed it, are ADHD - either formally or self-diagnosed (VALID). 

For funsies, I love to hang with my family, take a group yoga class, find a hidden gem of a restaurant, and go to the movies. I've also gotten back into running and love to lift weights. You'll find me outdoors a lot, or at home singing along to my favorite music (which is pretty eclectic but let’s be honest mostly pop), and my favorite kind of TV is feel good shows like Schitt’s Creek, Ted Lasso, & Shrinking.


Reignite FAQ

For the ones who had it all figured out ... until burnout knocked you flat.

It’s time to rebuild your confidence, honor the magic of your ADHD brain, and reignite the dreams you thought were out of reach. Let’s do this, together.

You had me at HELLO, I just like to read everything!